We chose to raise our son Brayden in Duvall specifically so we could make Wilderness Awareness School a significant part of his life. I wanted him to grow up with these beautiful people and with all that the school provides. WAS is an essential part of his education and childhood.
Your help through donations builds meaningful community, genuine relationships, life skills, and real-world opportunities for kids to test boundaries and challenge themselves. Most importantly, it offers authentic rites-of-passage to support youth coming into their own.
As an educator myself, I’m incredibly intentional about what we do with these precious years of his youth. We plan his schooling and activities around his weekly Foxes class because I know the power that nature time has on shaping his young mind and developing self-efficacy. He started with Roots and Wings and we will continue having him in School Year Programs at WAS until he graduates high school and Community School.
This was the plan since before he was born. However, sometimes life doesn’t go as planned. Sometimes hardships hit and take longer to recover from than expected. We had this dream for him but couldn’t afford it without the help of scholarships.
As I work to become healthy again and to hopefully one day be able to afford to donate in order to provide scholarships like the one we currently receive, my son is still able to be a part of it all. Due to the blessing of scholarships, financial challenges don’t have to be a barrier to all the experiences with Wilderness Awareness School that are helping to shape him into this amazing person he is becoming.
We are endlessly grateful for the opportunities you as a donor provide.