Essential Eligibility Criteria – The Immersion

    • Safety Judgement and Risk Management
      • Follow rules that the leaders establish for the safety and well-being of the group
      • Recall and understand hazards and risks previously explained by instructors
      • Ability to pack all required gear for class days 
    • Self Awareness and Emotional Intelligence
      • Effectively and proactively notify staff or other participants of personal distress, emotional stress, safety or health concerns, or other needs for assistance
      • Maintain a reasonable level of situational awareness appropriate to circumstances
      • Recognize and accept that the needs of the group often come above the desires of any one individual group member;
      • Work cooperatively as a member of a group, which may require flexibility and compromise
    • Physical, Mental, and Emotional Health
      • Be able to hike up to 2 miles while carrying a 30 lb backpack.
      • Be able to pack/prepare for a multi-day expedition, set up camp, sleep under a tarp or in a tent in all weather conditions, and be in the wilderness without cell phone reception
      • Ability to manage one’s own self care. To include: cooking for yourself, cleaning up after yourself, doing your own laundry
      • Ability to judge weather conditions for a class day and pack additional layers of clothing as needed
      • Ability to self pack all food, water, snacks, etc for class days
      • Accept full responsibility for physical and mental health, including complying fully with medication routines and self-care strategies recommended pre-departure by medical/mental health professionals
      • Communicate proactively, openly, and honestly about any physical or mental health challenges that arise prior to or during the program
      • Ensure that any necessary outside mental health services are utilized as needed during the program to support students during this transformative program.
    • Engagement and Attitude
      • Contribute to a positive and safe learning environment and exhibit a willingness to participate in all program activities
      • Ability to self-sufficiently show up on time to all class days, to include expeditions 
      • Show respect through speech and actions for other participants, staff, and community members
      • Be open and willing to interact with new and unfamiliar people and beliefs in a respectful manner
      • Care for and show respect to the natural environment, including our campus and the various locations we go throughout the year (Oregon Dunes, Eastern Washington, local parks, and local farms)
      • Abstain from phone and internet use and communication during all class times
      • Remain alert and engaged in the program to the best of their ability
      • Be able and willing to participate in camp chores; hauling water, meal preparation, and meal cleanup, campsite cleanup, etc.
Wilderness Awareness School