Our Core Values

Leading with Appreciation 

We aim to begin all interactions by sharing our appreciation for each other and the world around us. By acknowledging all we are grateful for, we cultivate peace and unity within ourselves and our communities, and foster the compassion and inspiration to powerfully enact our mission. 

Empowering through Mentoring

Through asking skillful questions and following curiosity, we empower our students and each other to become lifelong learners. Nature-based mentoring awakens health and vitality, nurtures personal gifts and talents, and cultivates devoted stewards and compassionate leaders.

Cultivating Inclusion

We are committed to establishing a culture that recognizes difference, invites diverse perspectives, and acknowledges past and present inequities. We strive to cultivate an increasingly welcoming space, so that all may feel empowered to show up as their authentic selves. 

Tending Relationships

We encourage deep nature connection, humble service to community, and living in rhythm with natural cycles. When we honor our vital interdependence, we nurture the sense of belonging that comes from the understanding that we are all part of one web, one ecosystem, one whole.

Wilderness Awareness School