Ethnobotanist and Educator
Heidi, author and illustrator of The People of Cascadia – Pacific Northwest Native American History, is an educator and consultant specializing in native plants and their traditional uses for food, medicine and materials. She works as an educator and consultant for cultural programs, museums, local tribes including Snoqualmie Tribe for the last 12 years, and other organizations, as well as her own Gatherer to Gardener program, with focus on skills and knowledge for a sustainable future.
Heidi Bohan spends several days with the program focusing on hands-on northwest ethnobotany. She has been working intensively as an educator in the field of PNW Native American history, ethnobotany, native plants and habitat restoration since 1992 working with tribes, schools and organizations around the region. Heidi offers programs for all ages specializing in ethnobotany and native plant activities such as basketry, carving, traditional skills, native plant uses, medicinal native plants, ethnoecology field studies, and native plant restoration. She specializes in creating hands-on experiences and artifacts as a way of engaging and connecting people to the natural world around them. Heidi has authored and illustrated the book The People of Cascadia- Pacific Northwest Native American History, Starflower Foundation Native Plant ID Cards, and the Quick & Easy Habitat Education Activities.