Founding Elder
Jenn Wolfe has trained with Jon Young and Wilderness Awareness School since 1994 in the Arts of Animal Tracking, Mentoring and Naturalist Training Skills. She also completed a 9-month Animal Tracking Apprenticeship program in California, with Jon Young and Mark Elbroch. Jenn has been Lead Instructor for many years on Adult Expeditions, tracking animals in the wilds of Idaho’s backcountry as well as working with adults locally through Tracking Club, tracking intensives and other adult programs in the Puget Sound Area.
As a “free range child” living in many different rural environments, Jenn had unlimited access to the woods and fields of her various backyards. Her Dad led her and her five siblings on many adventures into the wilds, while her Mom grounded her to the earth, through gardens and family. As an adult, Jenn became a public school teacher with a BA in Education and a BFA in Art. Finding Wilderness Awareness School brought her “Home” with a much deeper experience of the natural world. Along with her love for tracking and the natural world, Jenn also loves to create works of art and play with her grandchildren.