Wild Within

Ages 14 to 18

Linne Doran: Duvall, WA

Classtime: Fri 6:00 pm to Sun 3:00 pm

List Dates Below

“Niya considers the teens in Wild Within especially her “tribe”. This is the place she feels most accepted, valued, seen. It’s the place that creates the space that allows deep thinking to arise. I am profoundly grateful for the staff, the mentoring model, the nature skill practice as a vehicle for personal growth. It’s clear that WAS programs have been a large part of what allows Niya to be herself in a way that is very different from her public school peers. To evaluate the choices she sees them make, and decide with intention what she will or will not participate in.”

– Kylie, mother of Niya (age 17)

Join a group of teens who seek adventure, skills and true wildness with amazing people!

Please note: There are 2 separate programs, Wild Within 1 for 14 to 16-year-olds and Wild Within 2 for 16 to 18-year-olds. New 16-year-old Wild Within students may be asked to join the 14 to 16 year-old program. Returning 16-year-old students may still be encouraged to join the 14 to 16 year-old program but can join the 16 to 18 year-old program with approval from staff.

Wild Within gives teens the opportunity to intensely live the core routines of nature awareness, practicing wilderness and community building skills that bring us alive.

Students will learn:

  • The art of tracking animals
  • Wilderness living and survival skills like primitive fire making, shelter building, and survival bow making
  • Knowledge of and relationship to the local mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, plants and trees of Washington
  • How to understand and interpret the language of the birds
  • Medicinal and edible qualities of wild plants
  • How to explore safely on- and off-trail in the woods
  • Leadership and peacemaking skills

Each of the 8 weekends will focus on a different aspect of this learning journey, based on the season, location, and knowledge and interest of the group. As the group discovers its major interests, the instructors will work to provide opportunities for in-depth learning in those areas to the group and to individuals with a passion for mastery of a certain topic.

Logistics and What’s Included

  • Class takes place from Friday at 6pm to Sunday at 3pm
  • Weekends will either meet at our 40-acre Campus outside of Duvall or in the town of Duvall. Instructors will provide specific guidance before each weekend.
  • Some weekends will be an expedition visiting beautiful natural areas in the greater Puget Sound region, while other weekends will take place at our Duvall Campus
  • Please note this change from previous years: we will provide one meal, Saturday dinner; all other meals are provided by students. We may not be able to accommodate all dietary needs. Please reach out to instructors after registration if you have specific dietary needs.

Our educational philosophy focuses on

  • Helping students identify and pursue their special gifts and passions in life
  • Letting students figure things out “on their own,” providing a safe environment in which to do so
  • Mentoring delivered by experienced instructors with both extensive experience teaching wilderness survival and a solid understanding of the unique needs of teens
  • Using our widely-respected educational philosophy, we encourage creative thinking rather than simply providing answers. Our goal is to help students develop problem-solving skills and self-sufficiency, fostering a deeper level of learning and connection.

Our instructional staff includes

  • Two experienced instructors
  • A target staff ratio of 1 staff per 5 students, including 1 staff instructor and 1 apprentice instructor per 10 students
  • Staff trained in our unique pedagogy of “Coyote Mentoring”
  • Compassionate educators who encourage each child’s respect for self, others and nature
  • Experienced Wilderness First Aid and CPR certified professionals

Weekend Program Dates (2024-2025)

Wild Within 1: Ages 14-16

Sep 27-29, Oct 18-20, Nov 8-10, Dec 6-8, Jan 31-Feb 2, Feb 28-Mar 2, Mar 28-30, May 2-4

Wild Within 2: Ages 16-18 

Sep 20-22, Oct 11-13, Nov 1-3, Dec 6-8, Jan 24-26, Feb 21-23, Mar 21-23, Apr 25-27

Program will run Friday at 6pm through Sunday at 3pm.

Meet the Instructors

Lydia Crook

Wild Within 1

Omer Gil

Wild Within 1

Siana Stutchbury

Wild Within 2

Andy Franjevic

Wild Within 2

Wilderness Awareness School