How much does The Immersion at Wilderness Awareness School cost?
Tuition for The Immersion at Wilderness Awareness School is $14,950 for the 2024-2025 year. This cost includes all instruction, workshops, field trips, and independent study materials for the school year. Tuition does not include living expenses.
Deposit & Payment Plans
Upon acceptance into the course, a $2,000 payment is required to secure your enrollment. The remainder of the tuition can be paid all at once, in installments, or in monthly payments.
Three equal installments (the remainder of the tuition, minus any scholarship, divided by three) will be due on 8/15, 11/15, and 2/15.
Monthly payments are also possible, with an additional one-time $100 administrative fee beginning on 8/15.
Wilderness Awareness School offers scholarships for The Immersion, which can range from $500 to $3,000. You can fill out a scholarship request when you apply for the program.
Additionally, we offer a fellowship for two BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) students each year. This fellowship includes 50% off of tuition. To learn more about the fellowship, click here. To apply for the fellowship, click here.
Other Forms of Payment
You can use several types of GI Bill educational credits to pay for The Immersion. It’s also possible to use your 529 College Savings Plan or AmeriCorps Education Award to pay tuition and earn college credit through our partnership with Western Colorado University.
Immersion Year 2
Scholarships are also available for the Immersion Year 2 program. Amounts granted per student are in the range of $250-$750, and would be requested using our Scholarship Request Form.