Bowmaking Basics

I remember making my first bow as a kid. I found a branch on the ground under the Black Oak trees that grew in our yard. There was a windstorm the prior evening and branches were everywhere. I found one with a bend and tied on a string. Then I grabbed a smaller, straighter branch. […]

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assorted bow drill parts

Bow Drill Kit – Make a Friction Fire

You’re speeding down a river in a canoe. Before you know what has happened, you flip out of your canoe and you wake up next to your friend with a roaring fire in front of you. He says, “I used that bow drill kit lying there to make a friction fire. Would you be interested […]

Posted in Primitive Tools, Survival SkillsTagged , , ,
black walnut

Black Walnut Harvesting

 Harvesting black walnuts is enjoyable and well worth the effort. Black walnuts are very nutritious and delicious! This is a messy activity, so be sure to wear old clothes, old sneakers and cover your hands with gloves, unless you want to be dye-stained for several weeks. The black walnut tree is pictured above. Here’s a […]

Posted in Wild Crafting, Wild Food and MedicineTagged , , ,
windy day

The Beaufort Scale

Have you ever wondered how to tell what the wind speed is? Below is a useful scale that you can use simply through your observations. This can be really handy if you are trying to keep track of the weather on a regular basis.  The Beaufort Scale can be used to help estimate the wind […]

Posted in Kamana, Scientific MusingsTagged , , , , , ,
atlatl throw

Atlatl Basics

by Andrew Meyer, The Immersion at Wilderness Awareness School Graduate There it was, flying through the air with a perfect spin stabilizing its flight. An arrow on steroids, six feet in length, fletched like a traditional arrow with turkey feathers, secured to a fire- straightened dogwood shaft with deer sinew, with a business-end of duct […]

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Wilderness Awareness School