herbal vinegar

Herbal Vinegars – Part 1

Herbal Vinegars: Aromatic Delights from your Garden A pantry full of herbal vinegars is a constant delight. Preserving fresh herbs and roots in vinegar is an easy way to capture their nourishing goodness. It’s easy too. You don’t even have to have an herb garden. BASIC HERBAL VINEGAR Takes 5 minutes plus 6 weeks to […]

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herbal tea

Herbal Tea Remedies

In your herbal pharmacy you transform fresh and dried plants into natural herbal remedies, and making herbal tea remedies is a great way to do this. Learning to identify and use the common plants around you is easy and exciting, beneficial, and safe.  Even one day’s work in the field, forest, and kitchen can provide […]

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Giardia Treatment and Prevention

It felt like my gut was an industrial washing machine set on “agitate,” churning furiously and steadily. It felt like I had two weasels in my midsection, their claws braced into the walls, trying to tear each other apart. It even reminded me of the classic sci-fi B-movie “The Hidden,” in which an intelligent but […]

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Finding the North Star

The North Star Points True North Knowing how to find the North Star in the northern hemisphere is one of the most basic survival skills. Those of us in the north are fortunate to have the North Star as a handy survival tool for determining direction without a compass. Visible from the surface of the […]

Posted in Scientific Musings, Survival SkillsTagged , , ,
sit spot

Core Routine: Sit Spot

Going to your sit spot is one of the core routines that we teach at Wilderness Awareness School. It’s a simple, powerful experience that enables you to be more present and connected in your day-to-day life. It can be really fun to have permission to simply sit, observe, and be present. It doesn’t take much […]

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dandelion flowers

Dandelion Fritters Recipe

Why do I love dandelions so much? You know, I could write a book on that. For now, let’s just say dandelions are another one of those amazingly delicious and nutritious herbs. Dandelion is the plant that inspired me to study herbal medicine. So it MUST be an incredible herb! “If you want to take […]

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dandelion flowers

Dandelion Tea Recipe

It’s that time of year again: The time when I dream of eating a hearty bowl of venison-chanterelle stew. And while we’re at it, let’s add some homemade bread and a mug of dandelion tea. Now, this isn’t a stew that came from a can or one of those soymilk-looking containers. This is a stew […]

Posted in Wild Crafting, Wild Food and MedicineTagged , , , , ,

Feeding Wild Birds

Feeding wild birds doesn’t have to be expensive but once you start you should not stop feeding during the winter, once the birds become used to your feeding stations. You can stop feeding in the spring once insects and other fruits become available. Once most people start feeding wild birds, they don’t want to stop […]

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Burdock Root Pickles Recipe

Fall is a wonderful time to harvest the roots from Burdock, Arctium lappa. Burdock root is extremely nutritious and a deep healer. It is a long-term immune system strengthener among many other things, which makes it a wonderful herb to use for the upcoming cold and flu season. My favorite way to use healthful herbs […]

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brain tanning

Brain Tanning a Deer Hide

by Mireille Evans Immersion Student 2015-2016 This week we had the honor to be blessed by deer. It was the week where we got to dive into the magical transformational process of working with the hide of deer to make buckskin. The deer were purchased from a woman who has a relationship with hunters in her area. The hunters bring […]

Posted in Immersion Stories, Survival Skills, Wild CraftingTagged , , , ,
Wilderness Awareness School